About CBD

There’s a legitimate reason as to why CBD is getting popular. With all of its hype, also comes criticism. The truth is, CBD was first discovered in 1940. With more people turning to alternative and more natural ways to improve their health, there is no better time than now for Earth’s gift to gain the acknowledgement it deserves. This has everything to do with the passing of The Hemp Farming Act of 2018 which removed hemp from Schedule I Controlled Substances and making it a vital part of United States agriculture. Farmers can now legally grow hemp which is rich in phytocannabinoids like CBD. Hemp…you’re the real MVP.

So why CBD? Why the buzz? Why are millions of people across the globe open to not only trying CBD, but really including it as part of their everyday routine? Because it works. Just like so many healthy ingredients and nutrients we are so accustomed to consuming and using, phytocannabinoids, are no different. Why? Because how the human body works is just as impressive as how nature works. Alas, we arrive at The Endocannabinoid System.

The Endocannabinoid System

The image above is a representation of all the different systems in our body as well as how The Endocannabnioid System or ECS, differs fro all the other systems. Each system has its own color showing that it has some sort of responsibility to work in our body. Much like a car with all of its intricate parts. Each system has its own job to do. The ECS however, is represented by all of the colors suggesting that it plays an important integral role in regulating all of the other systems and making sure that everything is working they way it should. This is possible because the ECS is a system consisted of neurotransmitters and receptors located throughout our body. As a result, the ECS acts similar to a computer mainframe and has the ability to regulate many different responses from stress, to mood, to pain, inflammation, motor control, and more. As a licensed healthcare professional and one who read textbook upon textbook studying the human body while in school, it pains me to say that we never learned about The Endocannabinoid System. Now, while there are many reasons as to why this is so, it is time to finally shine the light on possibly the most important system in our body. 

As we all know, the human body is very complex. How it develops and functions internally allows us to be who we are externally. This has resulted in humans being able to do some really amazing things from contorting our bodies in positions that are not supposed to be possible, to building cities, roads, skyscrapers, empires, and creating some of the most advanced technology known to man. Our ability to evolve and adapt to our surroundings has made us the most dominant species on planet Earth. 

But what happens when our body isn’t performing at its optimal level the way its supposed to be? Much like technology, like a computer, or a car, when something is wrong or malfunctioning in our body, at affects our performance on an everyday basis. It affects our health. It affects how we think, how we feel, how we act, how we move, how we live. Our brain sends signals to our bodies and vise versa to let us know that something is wrong. This is the role of The Endocannabinoid System. 

Discovered in 1992 by Isreli organic chemist, Raphael Mechoulam, Czech analytical chemist Dr.  Lumir Hanus and an American pharmacologist, Dr.  William Devane, at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, they found an endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter which they called Anandamide. Ananda meaning “joy”, “bliss”, “delight”. Endogenous cannabinoid = Endo-cannabinoid = Endocannabinoid System. This means our brain produces our own cannabinoids. Amazing right? Not only does the brain produce its own cannabnioid, but anandamide is known as the “happy molecule”. Our body releases this molecule at times when we feel happy, a sense of euphoria or accomplishment, pleasure, anytime when we feel joy. In essence, the more anandamide our body makes, the more happier we feel. The better we feel. 

So what does CBD have to do with all of this? The ECS becomes activated with cannabinoids, whether it comes form a plant or produced naturally in the body. Because the ECS plays such a vital role in regulating all of the systems in our body so that everything is working the way it should, we when feel ill, or if our blood sugar is too low or too high, or if our blood pressure is too low or too high, anything that suggests that we do not feel 100%, it means something is wrong and the body becomes unbalanced. In an attempt to achieve that balance again by providing our ECS with the nutrients it needs, in this case, cannabinoids, we can help to bring our bodies back to optimal form feeling healthy and rejuvenated in our path towards wellness. When all of our bodily functions and levels are balanced and where they should be, we achieve homeostasis. 

THC, which causes the psychoactive high, directly binds to CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBD on the other hand, works backwards in that in blocks or inhibits the breakdown of the body’s own cannabinoids allowing us to have and use more of what we naturally make like anandamide. More research and evidence is needed as to how phytocannabinoids affects our ECS as well as how it functions. Because every person is different, individual responses to the ECS is subjective. The good news is, research findings are showing many different ways on how CBD can have a positive effect on the body.

CB1 and CB2 Receptors

CB1 receptors are mainly found in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). These receptors play a role in motor control, memory retention, cognition, emotion and pain perception.

CB2 receptors are mainly found in the peripheral nervous system. These receptors play a role in the immune system, reducing pain and inflammation and relaxing the body. 


Two of the most known cannabinoids are THC, delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD, cannabidiol. THC is the psychoactive compound mainly found in marijuana that causes the euphoric “high” and altered state of mind. CBD on the other hand is non psychoactive in that it does not cause the euphoric “high” but still providing many benefits to the body.

Is CBD Legal?

In the United States, with the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp containing no THC or extremely low concentrations (less than 0.3%) was removed from the definition of marijuana. This led to CBD products derived from hemp to pop up in numerous locations making them possible to purchase without the need of a medical card or prescription. We advise that you check with your states laws and local laws to verify if CBD is legal in your state.

How to take CBD?

CBD can be administered into the body in numerous ways. The most popular is orally or ingestible such as CBD oils or CBD gummies and softgels. The bioavailability differs per application. Inhalation through a vape allows CBD to enter the body faster but is also the quickest way to leave the body. Applying CBD topically on the skin is quickly gaining popularity as it is a great way to target a specific area.